If you want to test the training system and start your own Captain America transformation ►►► | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE

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Facebook ► ► I'm Julian and I wanted to share my Captain America Freeletics Gym body transformation with you.

All my life I've been the skinny guy. I've tried to gain muscle so many times you wouldn't believe it. I tried eating healthy and going to the gym. At some point I just stopped and accepted that my body was just not made for it.

Now I know that no one is "made" for anything. Finally I was able to achieve my goals and become stronger than ever. If I can do it, you can do it, too! Try it out!

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I used Freeletics Gym as my training system to create an individualized training plan for me week by week, adapted to my experience, goals and your progress. The app helped me a lot as I didn't have a lot of experience learned the barbell movements with it through guided videos, my weights were increased automatically by its coach function and I was guided through every single workout. I couldn't have achieved what I did without it.


I haven't actually done real 1RM tests in the beginning. These are just estimations based on the weights I trained with. I found a 1RM calculator online that said that it's pretty accurate up to 10 reps so I used its estimations. If I had known the technique better and if I had been able to push myself harder, I probably could have handled more weight but I was afraid to do the movements wrong and I found it kind of scary to use weights I am not sure I can handle - especially when it comes to bench press and squats.


I followed a very strict diet and without that, it would just not have been possible to change as drastically as I did. In general: I’m a pescetarian, that means, I don’t eat meat except for fish. I started with the Freeletics Nutrition Guide and applied the knowledge in a way that worked best for me. I will try to break it down to a few simple steps:

1) The key is finding what works best for you and then sticking to it: The first couple of weeks I only focussed on gaining weight as that has been my biggest struggle so far. High protein and high carb diet. Lot’s of fish and seafood. My calorie intake was up to about 4000kcal/day. After a while I realized that was too much as I was gaining fat as well and went down to a high protein moderate carb diet with a little more than 3000kcal which worked way better for me. My body developed the way I wanted it to and my performance went through the roof..

2) No alcohol, no added sugar, no processed food at all. Real foods - that’s what is the basis for everyone. Don’t eat stuff you can’t pronounce. Just don’t do it.

3) It helps to track your calories and weigh your food. You need to know what you are eating as well as how much of it. It’s the same as for training: Doing the right exercises is the first step, programming it is the second. That's why the Freeletics Gym Coach worked for me.

4) Schedule your meals according to your day. Your body needs to be fueled with the right nutrients throughout the day and has special needs at certain times, i.e. I always ate a banana and drank a protein shake directly (15mins max) after training as the body needs carbs and proteins to regenerate and refuel. I also precooked my food for the whole day every morning.

5) Supplements: I took 5g of creatine and a protein shake right after each training.

Again: If you don't take nutrition serious, it just won't work. ;-)

:::::::::: About the Freeletics Gym Training Method ::::::::::

Individualized. Motivating. Highly efficient. Here’s what your 100% personalized digital Gym Coach offers you:

► A digital personal trainer in your pocket. Get weekly training instructions. Know which workouts to do in the most effective order.

► Suitable for beginners and advanced athletes – workout difficulty based on your experience and current fitness level.

► Your goals, our guidance. A training plan completely adapted to you. Lose weight. Bulk up. Get in the shape of your life.

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