The perfect motocross workout plan explained…

The perfect motocross workout plan explained…

In this video, i’m going to explain how the perfect motocross workout plan works.

Theres 3 big areas every racer needs to cover.

Bike Strength

Racing Conditioning

Performance Nutrition

Let’s start with bike strength.

If you race a 125 or something bigger, thats roughly 100kg.

You need to add your bodyweight on top of that.

Lets say you weigh 80kg.

Thats a total of 180kg you need to be able to wrestle around the track.

You need to be STRONG and the best way to build strength is by lifting weights in the gym.

Common misconception: Lifting weights make you big. WRONG. Lifting like a bodybuilder makes you big. Lifting like a strength athlete gets you strong without the bulk.

Second is Racing conditioning.

Your cardio needs to reflect your racing.

the effort required through sandy woops is very different to floating through the air over a jump.

Racers need to be focusing on interval training, to replicate the fluctuations in intensity that happen on every lap.

COMMON MISCONCEPTION: You need to do hours and hours of cardio so the race feels easy. WRONG. The race duration is rarely the problem, its the intensity of the race that is. This is what needs to be trained.

And then Performance Nutrition.

Eating healthy isn’t enough.

You need to be timing your foods.

Proteins fats and carbs.

Complex carbs like sweet potatoes and rice the night before race day and the morning of.

Simple carbs like fruit before each race.

Protein shake and simple carbs after each race.

COMMON MISCONCEPTION: You need to eat food on race day to keep energy high. WRONG. Your body is under physical and mental stress. Your digestive system is doing little to no work. Focus on liquids and easy to stomach foods to limit the amount of digestive work your body does.

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