
Staying focused is the KEY!

A price is to be paid.. got ripped but his Head Grew!

Avoiding bug-a-boos in the gym

Staying focused is the KEY!

Why Doctor Said My Mental Health Is Declining

Stepped on SARMs and Gear flooding the market!.. BE CAREFUL!

A price is to be paid.. got ripped but his Head Grew!

Avoiding bug-a-boos in the gym

Another good friend and fitness guru gone too soon! RIP Jerry Ward

Why Doctor Said My Mental Health Is Declining

Stepped on SARMs and Gear flooding the market!.. BE CAREFUL!

Another good friend and fitness guru gone too soon! RIP Jerry Ward

That need to be a beast is gone? Where did the GEAR heads go?

That need to be a beast is gone? Where did the GEAR heads go?

Ego lifting damn near rip my chest apart

Ego lifting damn near rip my chest apart

SARM RAD140 made his doctor qustion his Test CHEATING!

SARM RAD140 made his doctor qustion his Test CHEATING!

She said her pops watch my videos?

Ego lifting damn near rip my chest apart